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Digitization of companies

Digitization of companies


Digitization of companies

Based on the experience of our numerous and successfully completed digitization projects, we have developed a methodology along which we can guide you through the digital transformation in 6 steps . Of course, you are free to choose only selected process steps. We can find out your exact needs in a personal conversation.


The process steps of our digital transformation method:


In this phase, possible fields of action are identified, discussed and defined together with you - one could speak of the "digital target state" of your company. From this, objectives are derived (key performance indicators), which in turn have implications for the project team and the required budget. All areas are recorded and the relevant group of people involved.

Understanding the digital maturity of your business

This phase can be described in the broadest sense as "determining the current digital status" of your company or of its sub-areas or sub-processes. Here we determine what is already avaliable in terms of know-how, tools and standardized and therefore digitizable processes.


Once the last two digitization phases have been completed, we perform a target/actual comparison and, based on this, work with you to develop your vision for the digital transformation. As soon as this vision has been adopted and accepted by the defined group of people, we create a "digital roadmap". This shows the process and the timeframe for achieving the desired target state with regard to digitization.


This process step serves to analyze your business processes down to the last detail, to identify optimization potential and, based on this, to record and formulate the requirements for the digitized solutions. Your employees play a key role in this process, as they are the ones who know their work processes down to the last detail and who then will be able to manage their day to day work with the newly developed and future solutions.


After the planning and analysis phases, the next step is the implementation of digital solutions and tools. If possible, we use standard solutions that are widely accepted and secure in the market. If not possible, we work with our engineers to develop software tailored specifically to your company - in an agile or linear way.


The last, but no less important step in the process is controlling the digital transformation that has just been carried out. In a final report, the success of the project or the success of the implemented measures is measured using the key performance indicators defined at the beginning.

The digital transformation of a company can have a very strong impact on its organization, culture, working methods, etc. In order to ensure the success of a project with regard to digitization, it is essential that the employees concerned support the change (change process). For this reason, the digitization processes described above are accompanied by the following support processes:



From the start of the project, your digitization process must be accompanied internally and, if necessary, also by means of external communication. Your employees must be involved and participate in information events and feedback rounds.


If necessary, your team organizations, hierarchies and networks will be adapted to the new approaches. Required know-how has to be built up in your workforce and cultural adjustments have to be accompanied. New ways of internal and external collaboration are defined and established.